Call for Abstract

27th International Conference on Clinical Pediatrics, will be organized around the theme “Improving Child Health Globally with Clinical Pediatrics Research”

Clinical Pediatrics 2019 is comprised of 19 tracks and 115 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clinical Pediatrics 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pediatrics is one of the fields of medicine which is concerned with the medical, health care and development of babies and children and their opportunity to get complete potential to grow into adults. Pediatrics follows the age range from infants to adolescents. Pediatrics is the newly emerged medical speciality. The main aim of the paediatrics is to reduce the child and infant death rates, to control the spreading of infectious diseases and to promote healthy life styles. Pediatrics is not only concerned about the immediate cure but also the long term effects on quality life, abilities and survival.


  • Track 1-1General Pediatrics
  • Track 1-2Genetic Disorders in Children
  • Track 1-3Antibiotics
  • Track 1-4Birth Defects
  • Track 1-5Abnormalities in Children
  • Track 1-6Toxicology in Children
  • Track 1-7Twin-to-twin transfusion
  • Track 1-8Molecular Cellular Pediatrics

Critical care pediatrics involves close and constant attention with special care by a team of specially trained paediatricians. Critical care usually takes place in Intensive Care Unit. Some conditions which may cause during critical condition are severe asthma, severe infection such as pneumonia and serious injuries from accidents. Critically ill children need careful monitoring with special medicine or treatment which can be offered only in PICU- Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit. Having advance directives in place is important to save a life during critical conditions. Emergency medicine is the medical facility concerned with the immediate medical attention. This field equips paediatricians with knowledge and skills required to care patients with urgent healthcare needs.


  • Track 2-1Pediatric Trauma
  • Track 2-2Pediatric Emergencies
  • Track 2-3NICU
  • Track 2-4Pediatric Critical Care

Neonatology is one of the subspecialty of pediatrics which deals with the medical care of sick or premature new born babes. Few other conditions are low birth weight, birth defects, growth restrictions, sepsis, and birth asphyxia. Neonatology is to be practised only in Neonatology Intensive Care Units. Neonatology is mostly practised in United States. Neonatology specialists are highly affiliated and skilled and have all the eligibilities as given by the Certified Board.


  • Track 3-1Neonatal Intensive care
  • Track 3-2Neonatal care
  • Track 3-3Neonatal sepsis
  • Track 3-4Newborn screening

Pediatric Oncology/Haematology deals with the treatment of children and teens suffering with blood diseases or cancer. Pediatric Haematologist or Oncologist has all the qualification and experience to treat children from birth to young adulthood. Pediatric haematology or oncology deals with the conditions like cancers including leukaemia, neuroblastoma, brain tumors, solid and bone tumors. Blood cell diseases such as disorders of white cells, red blood cells, platelets. Including anaemia, sickle cell disease and bleeding disorders. Many oncologists are also equally specialized in haematology.


  • Track 4-1Pediatric Brain Tumors
  • Track 4-2Pediatric Lymphomas
  • Track 4-3Pediatric Leukemias
  • Track 4-4Transfusion Medicine
  • Track 4-5Palliative Care
  • Track 4-6Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  • Track 4-7Hepatoblastoma
  • Track 4-8Pediatric Neuroblastoma
  • Track 4-9Pediatric Bleeding Disorders
  • Track 4-10Pediatric Osteosarcoma
  • Track 4-11Pediatric Osteosarcoma

Pediatrics surgery is one of the subspecialties of surgery which involves the surgery of foetus, infants and children. Many medical conditions in new born babies are incompatible with good quality life unless they are treated surgically. Surgical problems experienced in children are quite different from the adult or general surgeries due to the reason that children are unlike adults, they cannot say what is bothering them. Pediatric surgeons are able to treat children from new born to early adulthood. Pediatric surgeries usually include abnormalities of groin such as hernia, hydrocele, undescended testes, surgical care of tumors, endoscopic procedures, transplantation procedures, serious injuries which require surgeries etc. pediatric oncology, pediatric urology, neonatal surgery are the three subspecialties of pediatric surgery.


  • Track 5-1Pancreas Transplantation
  • Track 5-2Pediatric Obesity Surgery Empyema
  • Track 5-3Diagnose and Surgery
  • Track 5-4Pediatric Surgical Nursing
  • Track 5-5Pediatric Surgical Emergencies
  • Track 5-6Pectus Excavatum
  • Track 5-7Separation of conjoined twins

Pediatric cardiology is the branch of pediatrics which devoted to diagnose and treat heart problems in children. The term heart problems include several conditions such as structural differences during birth, electrical system which controls the heartbeat, abnormal blood vessels, holes between chambers, valve problems. Heart problems in children can be complex at times and can occur with other complications.


  • Track 6-1Heart Surgery
  • Track 6-2Heart defects in Children
  • Track 6-3Congenital Heart Disease
  • Track 6-4Pediatric Infective Pericarditis
  • Track 6-5Pediatrics Rheumatic Heart Diseases
  • Track 6-6Perinatal and childhood stroke

Pediatric Neurology is a specialized branch in medicine which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases in newborns (Neonates), infants, children and adolescents. The topic Pediatric Neurology includes all diseases and disorders related to spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, peripheral system, brain, muscles and blood vessels which affect individuals of small age groups. Types of conditions to encounter in pediatric neurology are genetic diseases related to nervous system, childhood epilepsy, febrile seizures, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, hyper activity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, migraine, head injuries, sleep disorders, intellectual disability etc. following studies are required to diagnose the neurological conditions: electro cortical mapping, EEG, EMG, multiple sleep latency testing, nerve conduction study etc.

  • Track 7-1Peripheral Neuropathies
  • Track 7-2Epilepsy in Children
  • Track 7-3Mitochondrial Diseases
  • Track 7-4Congenital Malformations
  • Track 7-5Cerebral Palsy
  • Track 7-6Chromosomopathies

Pediatric Endocrinology is concerned about the disorders related to the dysfunction of hormones and glands which results in problems of growth, puberty and diabetes. Endocrine glands, such as pituitary gland releases hormones into the bloodstream which decides how a child grows and mature. Pediatric endocrinology deals with hormone disorders at all stages of childhood. Hormones show significant effects on child’s physical activity, emotional well-being and sexual development. Other few conditions are diabetes mellitus, hypoglycaemia, growth concerns, amenorrhea, gender dysphoria, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thyroid disorders, turner syndrome etc. type 1 diabetes in children is also known as juvenile diabetes in which the child’s  body stops producing insulin hormone.


  • Track 8-1Pediatrics Diabetes insipidus
  • Track 8-2Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome
  • Track 8-3Pediatrics Growth Hormone Deficiency
  • Track 8-4Diabetes in Children
  • Track 8-5Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Track 8-6Ambiguous genitals/intersex

This specialization concerns about the children with infectious, immunological and allergic disorders and deals with acute and chronic presentations of diseases. These infections are interlinked to the immune system. If the child is suffering from allergies, his/her immune system reacts incorrectly to things which are even harmless. Few examples of such infections are thrush, sinusitis, pneumonia and abscesses which keep coming back. General treatment is provided for the following conditions such as asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, chronic cough, vocal cord dysfunction, recurrent infection, eczema, hives, severe reactions to insects, foods and medications etc.


  • Track 9-1Immunotherapy
  • Track 9-2Asthma
  • Track 9-3Therapies
  • Track 9-4Medication
  • Track 9-5Anaphylaxis
  • Track 9-6Hay Fever
  • Track 9-7Hives

Pediatric Dentistry is all about the oral health of children from infancy to early adulthood. The term oral health includes teeth, gums, mouth throughout several stages of childhood. If early dental problems are not cured, they may cause lifetime pain and complications. Services provided by pediatric dentist include fluoride treatment, athletic mouth guards, space maintainers and fillings. Infected baby teeth can damage child’s adult teeth developing below them. Decay free primary teeth are very important to create a healthy environment for child’s permanent teeth which reduces the chance of tooth decay.


  • Track 10-1Dental Anomalies
  • Track 10-2Orthodontics
  • Track 10-3Prosthodontics
  • Track 10-4Amelogenisis Imperfect
  • Track 10-5Diagnosis and Pediatrics Dentistry Treatment
  • Track 10-6Pediatrics Diagnose surgery

Pediatric diagnosis encompasses a broad spectrum which includes examining every aspect of illness in child’s body. Screening should be conducted to diagnose child’s health.



  • Track 11-1Pediatrics Diagnosis Urology
  • Track 11-2Pediatrics Diagnosis Neonatal Care
  • Track 11-3Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

Pediatrics health care can be described as accessible, first contact, continuous and coordinated to meet health needs of child. Pediatric health care encompasses anticipatory guidance, healthy supervision, monitoring physical growth and development, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic disorders, managing serious and life threatening illness and management of health problems requiring multiple health services.


  • Track 12-1Pediatric Care
  • Track 12-2Patient-Centered Medical Home
  • Track 12-3Personal interaction with doctors and care teams
  • Track 12-4Advances in Neonatal Care
  • Track 12-5Neonatal-Perinatal care
  • Track 12-6Pediatric Rehabilitation

Pediatric nursing is the clinical health care of neonates and children up to the stage of adolescence. The role of pediatric nurse is to conduct procedures and providing medicines according to the prescribed nursing care plans and assessing them continuously. Neonatal nursing is a branch of health care which mainly focuses on nursing newly born babies who were born prematurely, with defects, infections, deformities etc. Pediatric emergency nursing is a branch of pediatric nursing which has fast mobility and quick response in emergency situations such as stabilizing patients with focused care, quickly diagnosing conditions and coming up with on-spot solutions, providing right medicines at the right time.


  • Track 13-1Clinical Nursing
  • Track 13-2Pediatric Psychiatric Nursing
  • Track 13-3Pediatric and Maternal Nursing
  • Track 13-4Community and Home Health Nursing
  • Track 13-5Fundamental Nursing

During the growing years of children from infancy to early stage of adolescence, proper nutrition is very important for child’s future health. Childs diet will not only supports their growth and development but also supports their immune system and several other health supporting systems. It is very important to provide the child with consistent diet with all kinds of nutritional elements in it. In pediatric nutrition the main and important theme is breastfeeding because most of the nutrients are provided to child through breastfeeding. Babies should be fed breast milk especially in the first six months after birth h which is the only way to induce nutrients in such stage to achieve optimal growth, development and health. Breastfeeding protects the child from allergies, infections, obesity, crohn disease and diabetes. Breast milk contains large amounts of lactose content which provides energy source, vitamin E which prevents anaemia, cholesterol important for brain growth and omega acids.



  • Track 14-1Fluid and Electrolyte MetabolisMal nutrition and Vitamin deficiencies
  • Track 14-2Problems with Vitamin D
  • Track 14-3Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism
  • Track 14-4Celiac Disease
  • Track 14-5Constipation
  • Track 14-6Biliary atresia
  • Track 14-7Infant colic

It is common for children to have disorders of urinary tract such as kidney, ureters, urethra and bladder. These problems can be small or serious. In case of serious condition, then one should need a specialist in nephrology and urology. Few conditions of nephrology and urology to be diagnosed are abnormalities in urine, bedwetting, acid base disorders, hypertension, acute and chronic kidney failure, high blood pressure, cancer of urinary and genital systems, bladder exstrophy, renal insufficiency, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, torsion of the testicles, inherited kidney diseases and neurogenic bowel. It can also provide pediatric patients with end stage kidney diseases and follow up care after kidney transplantation.


  • Track 15-1Urinary Track Infections
  • Track 15-2Kidney Transplants in Children
  • Track 15-3Nephrolithiasis
  • Track 15-4Tubular Diseases
  • Track 15-5Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Track 15-6Dialysis
  • Track 15-7The interpretation of x-ray studies of the kidney

The interest and research in pediatric pharmacology has increased in last two decades but is still limited to pharmacokinetics. Pediatric pharmacology is the multi-disciplinary topic which concerns about the effective and safe use of medications in neonates and infants. Pediatric pharmacology mainly focuses on the drug mechanism of action, its effect on body, drug-drug interaction and side effects.


  • Track 16-1Pharmacogenetics
  • Track 16-2Pharmacometrics
  • Track 16-3Clinical Pharmacology
  • Track 16-4Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 16-5Pharmacokinetics
  • Track 16-6Pediatric Drug Dosage
  • Track 16-7Oral Drug Absorption
  • Track 16-8Drug Distribution

Pediatric radiology is a discipline of diagnostic radiology focused on children, from new born babies to early adulthood. Pediatric radiology employs a wide range of techniques such as X-Rays, Ultra sound, CT, MRI, Nuclear medicine. Pediatric radiology is also involved in imaging foetuses. Common pediatric pathologic conditions which require imaging are leukaemia, teratoma, wilm’s tumour, congenital abnormalities, osteosarcoma, meningitis, juvenile arthritis and infant respiratory distress syndrome. It is a very sensitive field due to the reason that children’s body react unlike adult’s body while imaging but these days special imaging equipment has come into existence which are suitable for infants.



  • Track 17-1Pediatric Imaging
  • Track 17-2Radiographic Technologies
  • Track 17-3Sub-mSv Acquisitions
  • Track 17-4Diation-free imaging technologies

Pediatric dermatology is mainly concerned about skin disorders or conditions such as eczema, warts, hemangiomas, cutaneous melanoma, cutaneous lesihmaniasis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, vitiligo, hives, genetic skin disorders, ringworm and skin cancer. It also includes few minor surgical procedures such as skin biopsies, surgical removal of skin lesions and laser treatment of vascular birthmarks. Many childhood disorders such as infantile haemangioma blood vessel growths are not seen in adults and common conditions such as psoriasis have unique symptoms in children unlike adults.


  • Track 18-1Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis
  • Track 18-2Clinical and Laboratory Investigations
  • Track 18-3Cutaneous Melanoma
  • Track 18-4Fungal Infections
  • Track 18-5Skin Ailments
  • Track 18-6Diagnostic Dilemmas

Pediatric otolaryngology is the branch of pediatrics which is mainly concerned about complex medical treatment for problems or illness affecting the ear, nose or throat. It also includes diagnosis and treatment of head and neck diseases. Few conditions which are included in pediatric otolaryngology are chronic tonsillitis, benign and malignant growths of head and neck, laryngomalacia, pediatric sinus surgery, tumors of ears aero digestive, children thyroid disorder, cochlear implant, ear canal atresia, cleft and craniofacial, sleep disorders, vascular anomalies, vocal cord dysfunction, voice and swallowing disorders etc.


  • Track 19-1Velopalatine insufficiency
  • Track 19-2Vascular malformations
  • Track 19-3Cleft lip and palate
  • Track 19-4Cochlear Implant