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Vickie Hughes

Vickie Hughes

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, USA

Title: Nursing leadership development within the Irish context


Biography: Vickie Hughes


Purpose: There is limited literature published related to nursing leadership development within small island countries. This project, Irish Nurse Leadership Development, is part of a larger study examining cultural factors that influence leadership development within four small island countries in Europe.  The development of nursing leadership in Ireland is on-going and still found today. This study examined phenomenal nurse leaders who found ways to make numerous advancements in nursing as a profession. The purpose of this study was to understand nurse leadership development within the Irish context. 

Method: A focused ethnographical research design was used in interviewing four Irish nurses as they have evolved and assumed clinical, administrative, and academic leadership roles.

Results: The major themes from this study included: critical feminist theory, leadership strategies, political acumen, and cultural impact.

Conclusion: Irish nurse leaders demonstrated strategies to overcome cultural, political, and socio-economic barriers to influence policy in developing their nursing practice and leadership role while forging a path toward professional development and advancement.