Renate Gibbs
Camosun College, Canada
Renate Gibbs, RN, BSN, MA, DTN has served as a faculty member of the Nursing Program at Camosun College. Since 2004, she participated in International Study Abroad programs and has maintained an interest to develop student’s learning experiences and their cultural competence in locations such as Tonga, India, the Philippines and New Zealand. Professor Gibbs has been recognized for excellence in education in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program, she has served for 29 years as an educator and in leadership roles such as Curriculum Chair and Program Leader as well as in research projects. Her work in research reflects her interest in hermeneutic studies and interpretive description research and with her colleagues she has contributed to conference presentations as well as publishing their findings.
Abstract : Motivating and deterring factors that influence Canadian student nurses’ decisions to study abroad