Pramod Jog
D.Y.Patil Medical College, India
Pramod Jog is a senior pediatrician practicing in Pune with a rich experience of more than 35 years. He has a clinic & a hospital in Aundh & is the director of Medipoint Hospital. He is the Professor of Pediatrics at D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pune. He was also the President IAP, 2016, Standing Committee Member, International Pediatric Association, 2016-19, Steering committee member GAVI (CSO) 2O16-19 and also the Chairman, IAP Advisory Committee on Immunization 2015-17. He received Plotkin’s prize for best performance in ADVAC at Annecy, France in 2011. Additionally, he is Senior Consultant to UNICEF and also the Chief Editor, Times of Pediatrics. He has delivered innumerable lectures on national and international platforms & has more than 150 articles in reputed journals to his credit.
Abstract : Prioritising vaccines in pediatric practice